By Barry Brownstein Recently I was drawn to reread Friedrich Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom. Passages I previously overlooked leaped from the pages as if in bold print, signaling imminent danger to human progress. Hayek’s message never seemed more prescient and timeless: The descent into totalitarianism can happen anywhere. Astonishing progress has been made in the past few … [Read more...] about Are We Near the End of the Road to Serfdom? Part 1
Trends & Strategies for Maximum Freedom
Learning from the Oldest Intentional Community in Mexico
By The Conscious Resistance Derrick Broze recently visited the oldest intentional community in Mexico -- Huehuecoyotl. The members of Huehuecoyotl were previously traveling nomads until settling down outside of Tepoztlan in 1982. Learn more: Read: What is Our Ecovillage? Reflections on the 35th anniversary of Huehuecoyotl … [Read more...] about Learning from the Oldest Intentional Community in Mexico
How Market Freedom Combats Economic Inequality
By Lipton Matthews For many, income inequality is a disease ravaging the fabric of capitalist societies. Therefore, curing this ailment, according to progressives, necessitates an injection of welfare benefits and higher taxes on the wealthy. Guided by a zero-sum outlook, critics believe that the success of the affluent is gained at the expense of the poor. To remind voters … [Read more...] about How Market Freedom Combats Economic Inequality
A Wartime Economy: Tips for Financial Survival
By Jose Martinez Navigating a wartime economy can be tricky. If you’re not able to cope, you’ll quickly that your financial emergency has led to a survival emergency. For those who may not know it, my involvement with prepping in Venezuela was almost by coincidence. To be honest, I’ve always been the adventure type, never having run away from calculated risks. … [Read more...] about A Wartime Economy: Tips for Financial Survival
We’ve Only Just Begun to See the Benefits of the New Surge in Homeschooling
By Alice Salles Parents across America were caught unprepared for the mass closure of government schools in 2020. Soon after, however, many decided they and their children had had enough of the status quo. Now at a crossroads, will they choose reform or repudiation? The wave of ill-advised school shutdowns last year compelled tens of thousands of parents to rethink their … [Read more...] about We’ve Only Just Begun to See the Benefits of the New Surge in Homeschooling
Burned Out Teachers Are Launching Their Own Schools Instead of Abandoning Their Passion—and Succeeding
By Kerry McDonald Teachers across the country are feeling burned out and depleted, particularly as school coronavirus policies and staffing shortages make their jobs more difficult. According to a survey by the RAND Corporation, almost one-quarter of teachers planned to leave the profession in 2021, and teachers experienced higher rates of work-related stress and depression … [Read more...] about Burned Out Teachers Are Launching Their Own Schools Instead of Abandoning Their Passion—and Succeeding
Exit and Build: Is Mexico a Safe Alternative to Your Current Location? (Exit and Build Land Summit)
By The Conscious Resistance On November 6, 2021, Derrick Broze spoke at the Exit and Build Land Summit in Central Texas. Derrick will break down the ins and outs of the Exit and Build strategy for remaining free from technocracy, protecting yourself from invasions of privacy, and maintaining liberty in a tyrannical world. He’ll also share tips and strategies for building … [Read more...] about Exit and Build: Is Mexico a Safe Alternative to Your Current Location? (Exit and Build Land Summit)
New University Provides An Alternative to “Woke” Higher Ed
By Kerry McDonald This article is excerpted from LiberatED, a weekly email newsletter where FEE Senior Education Fellow Kerry McDonald brings you news and analysis on current education and parenting topics. Click here to sign up. “I criticize by creation, not by finding fault,” said the Roman philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero. This is such an important message. There … [Read more...] about New University Provides An Alternative to “Woke” Higher Ed
Lockdowns Were a Disaster, but They May Have Rekindled Americans’ Entrepreneurial Spirit
By Chloe Anagnos The pandemic and widespread imposition of lockdowns that forced thousands of businesses to shut their doors in 2020 had a serious impact on unemployment rates in America. To those who found themselves out of a job, looking for alternative ways to make money became a priority. While many turned to social media, especially TikTok, to share their talents in the … [Read more...] about Lockdowns Were a Disaster, but They May Have Rekindled Americans’ Entrepreneurial Spirit
No, You Don’t Need to be “Qualified” to Homeschool Your Children
By Hannah Frankman Over the years, I’ve heard so many parents dismiss the possibility of homeschooling their children because they don’t feel “qualified.” “I’m not a teacher.” “I’m not good at math.” “I wasn’t good at X in school, so I could never teach my child that subject.” All these assumptions stem from a fallacy about what education is, and what makes an … [Read more...] about No, You Don’t Need to be “Qualified” to Homeschool Your Children
Podcast—Peter Quiñones—Examining Localism, Defensive Democracy and The Bottom Up Revolution
By Matt Agorist Peter R. Quiñones is managing editor of the Libertarian Institute and hosts the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast. He released his first book, Freedom Through Memedom – The 31-day Guide to Waking Up to Liberty in November 2017. It reached #4 in the Libertarian Section on Amazon. He has spoken at Liberty Forum in Manchester, New Hampshire and is one of the … [Read more...] about Podcast—Peter Quiñones—Examining Localism, Defensive Democracy and The Bottom Up Revolution
Can A Counter Economy Defeat The Biosecurity State?
By Matt Walkouts, sickouts, and strikes are becoming frequent tactics deployed by the unvaccinated to fight against mandates which are coming from seemingly every direction. Small victories have resulted from these actions but the pressure to get injected is still mounting. If this pressure boils over, where will people go? Ideally, into the counter economy. This chapter … [Read more...] about Can A Counter Economy Defeat The Biosecurity State?