By Kerry McDonald It’s back-to-school season and that’s prompting concerns about further shortages of medications to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Last fall, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declared a nationwide shortage of Adderall, a popular ADHD drug. That shortage is expected to worsen. According to CNBC: “Many children and young … [Read more...] about What the Back-to-School Adderall Shortage Really Tells Us
Trends & Strategies for Maximum Freedom
Compulsory Schooling Laws Have Got To Go
By Kerry McDonald When Massachusetts passed the nation’s first compulsory school attendance law in 1852, parents were mandated to send their children to school under a legal threat of force. Today, that threat remains stronger than ever. Prior to that law, and those that followed in all other US states over the subsequent decades, cities and towns were compelled to … [Read more...] about Compulsory Schooling Laws Have Got To Go
To The Mom Who Doesn’t Want to Send Her Kids to School
By Kerry McDonald It’s back-to-school season and some parents aren’t happy about that. Take the example of Rousmery Negrón, a single mom of two boys who was featured in a recent Associated Press article on chronic absenteeism. After being insulted by his teacher and placed in a special classroom for students with alleged hyperactivity, her middle schooler didn’t want to … [Read more...] about To The Mom Who Doesn’t Want to Send Her Kids to School
The Dutch School of Understanding — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
By The Corbett Report Tjeerd Andringa joins James on #SolutionsWatch to discuss his cancellation from his former position at the University of Groningen and, more importantly, how that prompted him to create the School of Understanding. Designed as a small-scale, decentralized, effective, and cheap solution to the problems of our current schooling, the School of … [Read more...] about The Dutch School of Understanding — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
AI Lacks the Entrepreneurial Intelligence to Plan an Economy
By Robert Blumen Can computers plan a socialist economy? The idea is not new; it first appeared in the debate over economic calculation, which began in 1920 with Ludwig von Mises’s first article on the topic and continued until 1949. This was a time when computers had recently emerged. Computers were not widespread, but their possibilities were evident. Oskar Lange … [Read more...] about AI Lacks the Entrepreneurial Intelligence to Plan an Economy
In This Business-Friendly State, Why Is It So Hard To Start A Private School?
By Kerry McDonald Entrepreneurship is challenging in any sector, but education entrepreneurs often confront regulatory roadblocks and bureaucratic barriers that make launching a new school or innovative learning model particularly difficult. Some of these roadblocks and barriers include occupational licensing requirements for new school founders, such as those in Nevada … [Read more...] about In This Business-Friendly State, Why Is It So Hard To Start A Private School?
The Self-Reliant Way — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
By The Corbett Report Do you feel there is a conspiracy against manhood? Are you struggling to find meaning and purpose in the face of the rigged game that is modern society? Have you given up on life? Today we talk to Benny Wills about The Self-Reliant Way, a new course for helping men to identify their purpose, cultivate their skills and realize their true … [Read more...] about The Self-Reliant Way — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
Stop Buying Their Crap! — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
By The Corbett Report Boycotting evil companies and institutions isn't a new idea, of course, but as you may or may not have noticed, the idea has come back to the forefront of the public consciousness in recent months. Today, James explores the boycott solution, examines their effectiveness and ponders how they can be used to go beyond the divide-and-conquer culture wars … [Read more...] about Stop Buying Their Crap! — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
Carl Sagan Warned Us about Government Schools Decades Ago
By Jon Miltimore My wife and I recently met with the principal of the school our daughter attends to discuss her education future. My daughter, who turns 12 in a few days, wants to go to a different school in the fall, largely because many of her friends—who are a year ahead of her—are graduating to new schools. (And also because her teacher, whom she adored, took a job … [Read more...] about Carl Sagan Warned Us about Government Schools Decades Ago
Lessons in Freedom: Agroecology, Localisation and Food Sovereignty
By Colin Todhunter Industry figures and scientists claim pesticide use and GMOs are necessary in ‘modern agriculture’. But this is not the case: there is now sufficient evidence to suggest otherwise. It is simply not necessary to have our bodies contaminated with toxic agrochemicals, regardless of how much global agribusiness firms try to reassure us that they are present in … [Read more...] about Lessons in Freedom: Agroecology, Localisation and Food Sovereignty
Laughing At Tyrants — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
By The Corbett Report Stop me if you've heard this before: the best way to disarm a tyrant is to laugh at him. Of course, you have heard this before, but you're going to hear it again, goshdarnit, because it bears repeating. Today, let's all enjoy a peculiarly mirthless exploration of humour (with a "u," thank you) and its utility for getting truth in through the back … [Read more...] about Laughing At Tyrants — “Solutions Watch” with James Corbett
Radical Decentralization Was the Key to the West’s Rise to Wealth and Freedom
By Ryan McMaken It is not uncommon to encounter political theorists and pundits who insist that political centralization is a boon to economic growth. In both cases, it is claimed the presence of a unifying central regime—whether in Brussels or in Washington, DC, for example—is essential in ensuring the efficient and free flow of goods throughout a large jurisdiction. … [Read more...] about Radical Decentralization Was the Key to the West’s Rise to Wealth and Freedom