By Kerry McDonald When Elon Musk created a small school for his children and some of his SpaceX employees on the company’s California campus, he created a spark that could just now be catching on in other workplaces across the country. In a 2015 interview about the school, the billionaire inventor said: “The regular schools weren’t doing the things that I thought should … [Read more...] about Could Employer-Based Microschooling Be The Newest Workplace Perk?
Trends & Strategies for Maximum Freedom
VICE Attempts to Smear the Freedom Movement and Freedom Cells
By The Conscious Resistance In early February VICE News visited to Acapulco, Mexico to interview attendees of Anarchapulco and Agorapulco, two Anarchist festivals. VICE interviewed many people, including Derrick Broze. Here is Derrick’s response to VICE’s hit piece.Vice’s report: Response: ? The Conscious Resistance … [Read more...] about VICE Attempts to Smear the Freedom Movement and Freedom Cells
The “Shop Safe Act” Is a Perfect Example of How the Government Rigs the Market
By Hannah Cox With the right bogeyman, you can accomplish practically anything. And in Big Tech, Congress seems to have found its perfect excuse to go after the free market under the guise of protecting Americans from Silicon Valley—a ruse both Republicans and Democrats are falling for. Among these schemes is a piece of legislation currently floating around the halls of … [Read more...] about The “Shop Safe Act” Is a Perfect Example of How the Government Rigs the Market
New Data Show the Exodus From Public Schools Is Continuing
By Kerry McDonald Since 2020, more families have been fleeing local district schools for other options. Homeschooling rates doubled in that year alone and remain high today. Home-based “pandemic pods” have evolved into established microschools and co-op arrangements that have worked better for many families than a conventional classroom. Catholic schools, like other private … [Read more...] about New Data Show the Exodus From Public Schools Is Continuing
Teacher and Mom of Four Launches Mask-Free Learning Center in Response to Parent Demand
By Kerry McDonald The coronavirus response over the past two years has transformed education, putting parents back in the driver’s seat and inspiring education entrepreneurs to create new K-12 learning models. There are signs that entrepreneurship flourished during the pandemic response, as employment disruptions prompted individuals to launch new businesses. A new … [Read more...] about Teacher and Mom of Four Launches Mask-Free Learning Center in Response to Parent Demand
How to Earn Cash When “Company Policies” Cost Your Job
By Aden Tate Let’s say you’ve recently been coerced out of your job because of new company policies you’re not willing to comply with. Let’s also say that finding a job right now is impossible. It’s not that the positions aren’t out there; it’s just that every other company out there has recently instituted the same policy you are trying to escape. You’re now looking for a … [Read more...] about How to Earn Cash When “Company Policies” Cost Your Job
So, You Want to Build a Parallel Society??
By The Conscious Resistance As COVID1984 authoritarianism infects the planet, with governments and corporations pushing the population towards vaxx passports and mandates, more and more people are recognizing the freedom will not be found in the “dominant culture”. No, we must exit from this immoral and violent system and build a better future for all of humanity. To do this … [Read more...] about So, You Want to Build a Parallel Society??
Freedom Cells & Community – John Bush and Derrick Broze at The Event
By The Conscious Resistance On December 19, 2021, Derrick Broze and John Bush spoke at The Event, John Bush and Derrick Broze are co-founders of The Freedom Cell Network, a worldwide movement of more than 30,000 people who are focused on localized organizing and opting out of the systems which attempt to enslave us. John outlined the … [Read more...] about Freedom Cells & Community – John Bush and Derrick Broze at The Event
4 Positive Education Trends to End 2021
By Kerry McDonald There is a lot to be frustrated about as 2021 concludes. Some places are back in lockdown over rising coronavirus cases, while others are re-imposing previous restrictions and introducing new ones—including my city. But at this joyful time of the year, I choose to be optimistic and focus on all the good things happening right now, particularly in the … [Read more...] about 4 Positive Education Trends to End 2021
This Microschool Network Is Booming as Families Flee Government-Run Schools
By Kerry McDonald When Jessica Gregory and her husband moved from the Washington, D.C. area in 2020 to a suburban community north of Boston, they expected to find a school for their children that was similar in quality to the one they left behind. They were disappointed to discover that classroom and behavioral management consumed much of the school day, and a rigid … [Read more...] about This Microschool Network Is Booming as Families Flee Government-Run Schools
Are We Near the End of the Road to Serfdom? Part 2
By Barry Brownstein If you have a rose-colored belief in the certainty of the progress of humanity, The Road to Serfdom is an unsettling read. In it, Friedrich Hayek offers guidance in recognizing and undoing our errors that enable tyranny. To undo our mistakes, we first must be aware of the error-filled road we are traveling. You can’t undo what you are not willing to … [Read more...] about Are We Near the End of the Road to Serfdom? Part 2
Why College Degrees Are Losing Their Value
By Peter Clark The concept of inflation (the depreciation of purchasing power of a specific currency) applies to other goods besides money. Inflation is related to the Law of Supply and Demand. As the supply of a commodity increases, the value decreases. Conversely, as the good becomes more scarce, the value of the commodity increases. This same concept is also applicable to … [Read more...] about Why College Degrees Are Losing Their Value