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And Don’t Forget to Grab Your Bonuses Below!

(We emailed both of them to you but here they are in case you want to access them immediately)

The Counter Markets Mastermind Group

You're now officially a member of the Counter Markets mastermind!

Join our exclusive mastermind group on Telegram by clicking the button at the bottom. 

Agorists from around the globe are in there discussing how to implement what we teach, how they’re practicing agorism, and how to help one another create positive change for a freer future.

And the ideas, resources, and strategies discussed by our members build upon or expand beyond the solutions found inside the Counter Markets Newsletter, making them even more powerful and effective.

Vin Armani, Pete "Mance Rayder" Quinones, Sal Mayweather, Christian Saucier, and many other important voices in the agorist “liberty movement” are part of the Counter Markets mastermind and all of our members get the privilege of engaging with them on any topic every day.

  • Ask us questions about building a business, avoiding taxes, investing in cryptocurrency, or anything else you want to talk about.
  • Give us feedback on Counter Markets and even request certain topics for us to cover.
  • Offer your own strategies for freedom and hear how others are maneuvering through the rigged system, regardless of the country you’re in or the level of authoritarianism you're facing.
  • Connect with like-minded libertarian entrepreneurs, make friends, and form new business connections.

Vin Armani's New Book: Self Ownership

This slim ebook puts into plain language how embracing the concept of self ownership provides a path to a better life, a more peaceful society, and the abolition of the State.

Inside Self Ownership you'll discover:

  • What "ownership" truly means and how you come to own yourself (and therefore, come to own things outside of yourself).
  • What property is and what it isn't. 
  • How violence is used to settle territory (property) claims throughout nature.
  • How immorality is defined as aggressing against claimed property. 
  • How the secret to reducing human violence rests in a peaceful ways to protect property and better way to deal with property disputes (blockchain).  
  • Plus so much more!
self ownership book by vin armani

And if you need to contact us for any reason, reach out using the ​email below:

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